Welcome to my neocities!

This website is where I show off all my stuff, youtube channel and more!

I'm mason, a 14 year old. (I'm not your cupcake bucko.) I'm a small game developer that makes games on gdevelop for fun, I also make music for fun or for games. I'm pretty nice, but when I'm angered I can get really offensive really fast; so don't anger me. I like web 2.0 gloss and all other things that SCREAM early 2000s computing; I use linux too. My favorite console is the nintendo DSi XL! 2nd would be the steam deck due to all my steam games not supporting linux for some random reason. Another reason is me being able to play my PC games on a portable device. I like pizza tower, spark the electric jester and sonic! (Okegom too please don't kill me I have a family y'know.) I love talking to people online but I also have Social anxiety (social phobia) which causes me to get really scared and weird around people. I am a extremist, as the libtards say. I've gotten piled on a ton for that but.. I don't care! And I never will. I was born in flordia in 2009 and I grew up with a tablet (Like any other retarded gen Z kid.) I'm a special needs person, but I'm actually really smart now. I use to be a crazy mad phycho (Still am sometimes.) but my parents have teached me the abillity of how to not be. I'm usually very unfunny, I make offensive jokes without caring the least.